Catalan translation service

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Catalan – English – Catalan translations are among the services we provide at our translation agency.

Mondo Agit is an agency with offices in numerous European cities that specialises in the translation to and from Catalan of scientific, financial, legal, business and technical documents (see areas of specialisation).

Catalan translationTranslations go through two essential stages:

  1. Translation
    Our native Catalan translators, who are experienced professionals with a sound academic background, translate only to their mother tongue and only texts that are within their field of expertise. These quality control measures, along with the use of the latest translation technologies, always guarantee the best results.
  2. Proof-reading or Spell-check
    Our translation agency offers two translation services so that you can choose the one most suited to your needs:

    • Translation & Proof-reading
      If your text is going to be published, we recommend that you choose the Translation & Proof-reading service which, as well as translation, includes additional proofreading by a second translator or proof-reader who is a native speaker of the target language and who specialises in the subject area of the text in question.
    • Translation & Spell-check
      On the other hand, if you just want a draft or informative translation, the best service for you is Translation & Spell-check, where the agency check the translation to ensure that there are no spelling mistakes and that all the content has been translated.

At Mondo Agit, our work is always guided by our principles. Our competitive delivery deadlines and prices make us your best option. Try us out. If you are looking for a Catalan translator, please contact us.

For further information, get in touch or request a quote.


A brief introduction to the Catalan language

Catalan is a western Romance language and derived from Latin. It is quite difficult to pinpoint its origins, as the transition from Latin to Catalan was rather gradual. It is assumed that it was back in the 7th or 8th century, when the most important changes came about, although this is not the most reliable date, as it is known as a fact that around that time all writers exclusively wrote in Latin.

It was in the 10th and 11th century that the first words and even sentences appeared, in what could be described as Catalan. From 1150 onwards, more and more texts were written in Catalan and it was towards the end of the 12th century, when the Homilías de Organyà were written, which are considered to be the first literary text written in Catalan.

Catalan is the official language of Andorra and it has co-official status in Catalonia, the Valencian Community and the Balearic islands. Catalan is also spoken in other communities in mainland Spain, such as the eastern part of Aragon as well as in a small region in Murcia.

Catalan has some very distinct characteristics, and the following paragraph will explain some of them.

In terms of vowels, Catalan distinguishes itself through a plethora of diphthongs as well as the retention of the Latin “u” in some words.
Regarding consonants, Catalan is characterised by the palatalisation of the ‘nn’ group and the strong presence of double consonants.
The most commonly used articles are “el”, “la”, “els” and “les”, although in the northern Castelló, the masculine articles “lo” and “los”, are used.
In order to form the preterite tense, the verb ‘anar’, which means ‘to go’ is used.
And even in terms of spelling, Catalan has some peculiar characteristics, such as the doubling of “l” to “ll”.



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