As well as cash payment or by bank transfer, Mondo Agit offers the possibilty to all of it’s national and international clients, whether business or independent to pay by credit or debit card in a completely secure way. This way you will save time and money when contracting interpretation or translation services with our agency.
New clients that wish to contract a translation or interpretation service can do so comfortably from their own home or workplace and without bank transfer or commission costs.
We offer the option to pay with credit or debit card through a Virtual Point of Sale Terminal (POS Terminal) for online shopping linked with our web page. This allows our clients to pay with the same security, speed and simplicity as with the traditional terminal but without moving.
Our payment gateway is integrated in the Redsys platform that supports international protocols Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode delivering the best security and pretection currently possible.
The method of payment through POS Terminal allows you to make payments with Visa, Visa electron, MasterCard, Maestro, Euro6000 and China Union Pay cards.
If you wish to learn more information about these methods of payment or make a quote petition, you can contact us through any of the usual ways.
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