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Request quoteBefore publishing a text, it is always worthwhile ensuring that your writing is perfect, not only in terms of spelling and grammar, but stylistically too. There is nothing more frustrating than spotting a mistake once the text has already been published, and not being able to do anything about it.
Mondo Agit offers the following proof-reading services:
- Proof-reading for spelling and grammar
- Proof-reading for style and vocabulary
- Complete proof-reading
Thanks to our professional proof-reading service, you can ensure that your text is perfect, and that the reader will understand things just how you want them to, creating a piece that will effectively reach and convince your audience.
This service is intended for use on documents or texts to be published, as well as web pages, informational or promotional brochures, etc. Proof-reading and correction is also usually included in the text translation service.
Additional information on proof-reading and correction
Correction is the step that follows the writing or translation of a text. It is used to check the orthotypography, grammar and style of the content, as well as its coherency and cohesion, taking into account the conventions of the language it is written in.
Proof-reading consists of making the changes necessary to achieve this purpose in translated texts, for which it is also necessary to bear in mind the content of the original document, in order to ensure that its meaning is consistent throughout. In many cases, proof-reading a translation involves matching or adapting the text to the culture of the target audience or publication.
In line with Standard DIN 16511, all corrections must be written either in PDF or Word format, with the “track changes” function enabled, or printed, with the relevant annotations made by hand.
So, we can differentiate between proof-reading and correction in the following way: correction consists of eliminating errors of orthotypography, grammar, formatting and style, while proof-reading involves the same processes as correction, but, where translation is concerned, also uses the original text as a base, in order to ensure that the meaning and focus of the original have been conveyed correctly in the target language.
In both cases, aspects related to correction are numerous and very different: emphasis, punctuation, the use of upper and lower case letters, inconsistencies, spacing, sentence length, word order, repetitions, lexical errors, foreign words, abbreviations, the correct use of prepositions, etc.
In order to carry out such jobs correctly, we at Mondo Agit ensure that our proof-readers and correctors are native professionals with extensive philological and technical experience in the language you require.
This is essential in order to ensure that the texts fulfil their final communicative function. The vast majority of errors may not be eliminated or even identified using text editors, and texts must instead be read over and analysed in depth. This is because, in many cases, such mistakes go unnoticed by the translator who has been working on the text. Therefore, proof-readings carried out by a second professional translator are fundamental in creating polished texts which are easy for the reader to understand.