Rates for translation

Language Translation & Proofreading
Spanish £ 110*
French, Italian £ 130*
Dutch, German, Portuguese £ 140*


Language Translation & Spell-check**
Spanish £ 80*
French, Italian £ 100*
Dutch, German, Portuguese £ 110*

Due to wide variations in price according to subject area and level of difficulty, rates for these languages are variable. Once you send us the document, we will be able to give you a quote.

We also offer translation in the following languages, so if you would like to see our rates, please contact us:

Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Czech, Hebrew, Japanese, modern Greek, Polish, Rumanian, Russian, Turkish

*All prices for translation are subject to VAT and calculated per 1000 words.

** This draft translation only includes a check to ensure that there are no spelling mistakes and that all the content has been translated. It does not include comprehensive proofreading by a professional translator other than the one who did the translation; in other words, it does not comply with UNE-EN-15038:2006. If you would like a translation that meets this standard, you should use the Translation & Proofreading service. If the text is going to be published or sent to clients, it is strongly advisable to choose the Translation & Proofreading service.

These prices are guide prices and only apply to non-specialist texts. They can be negotiated for large projects.